Community and the Unquantifiable

Chapter 22 from the book: Sacred Economics: Money, Gift, and Society in the Age of Transition (Kindle Edition), by Charles Eisenstein, [eisenstine-12] gives a pretty good explanation for why the communities, that we need, are so hard to recreate.

Here are a number of quotes from the chapter that I found most relevant.

We have no community because community is woven from gifts.


There is no community possible among a group of people who do not need each other.


We are tricked into thinking that money will buy us everything we need.

Continue reading Community and the Unquantifiable

Story: Bullshit Jobs

Book: Bullshit Jobs: A Theory, by David Graeber
Kindle edition ISBN: 150114331X; Publisher: Simon & Schuster (May 15, 2018)

A “bullshit job” (henceforth referred to as a B.S. job) is a job that has no value. If it were to disappear, there would be no impact. Because “value” is so subjective, he leaves the definition of a B.S. job up to the worker. Do you see value in your job, even if it is an awful job? If so, maybe for you, it’s not totally B.S. Or do you see yourself as just a “cog” in the work machine? Or even worse: a useless cog?

It’s as if someone were out there making up pointless jobs just for the sake of keeping us all working. And here, precisely, lies the mystery. In capitalism, this is precisely what is not supposed to happen. …

… this is the sort of very problem market competition is supposed to fix. According to economic theory, at least, the last thing a profit-seeking firm is going to do is shell out money to workers they don’t really need to employ. Still, somehow, it happens. …

The answer clearly isn’t economic: it’s moral and political. The ruling class has figured out that a happy and productive population with free time on their hands is a mortal danger (think of what started to happen when this even began to be approximated in the ’60s). And, on the other hand, the feeling that work is a moral value in itself, and that anyone not willing to submit themselves to some kind of intense work discipline for most of their waking hours deserves nothing, is extraordinarily convenient for them.
[From the David Graeber’s essay, see below]

Continue reading Story: Bullshit Jobs

Field: Creating Functioning Communities – Terra Nova


Most of the quotes here are from Chapter “24 Creating Functioning Communities” in the book “Terra Nova: Global Revolution and the Healing of Love”, by Dieter Duhm. The “[Locations]” are related to the Kindle version of the book.

“…we need a new basis for life on our planet – new ethical, spiritual, scientific, social, sexual, ecological, technological, and economic foundations. Above all, we need a new inner world from where the powers to create Terra Nova can emerge. This will not be achieved through the development of small, rural communes or urban groups so long as they are not embedded in a greater context. However, even the smallest groups, bookshops, and cafes can help to establish this greater context for Terra Nova.” [Location: 370]

In other words, wanting it is not enough. Trying to live as a group is not enough. Trying to live as a peaceful group is getting closer, but it is still not enough. What is the “greater context”?

“The new communities will be organically interconnected through technological, political, and spiritual communication systems; together they will form the basic structure of a new global society. The upcoming era will emerge from a network of such autonomous centers; it is their task to build a morphogenetic field for the foundation of a new culture. To enable this they will collaborate within a network of global communication and information, sharing their new experiences with all who participate in them. This is how the new morphogenetic field arises as an historic process of ever-condensing information. It is the information of Terra Nova.” [Location: 1085]

Autonomous centers, but networking with each other. But how? The obvious way is with social media. But not so fast, this is an interesting approach.

Continue reading Field: Creating Functioning Communities – Terra Nova

Life: Vitamin C Therapy



The Positive

A good friend (Kanga) introduced me to the healing properties of high-dose IV Vitamin C. I looked into it and found people are making “encapsulated” Vitamin C, which can be taken at high doses orally. See the section “Liposomal Vitamin C” for the recipes that I have been trying. See the “Books and Videos” section for a number of how-to sources.

“Vitamin C has been shown to prevent, put into remission, and even cure many viral infections.”

“Vitamin C has been shown to prevent cancer and to selectively kill cancer in both the laboratory and the body. Although I’m not suggesting that vitamin C on its own will prevent or cure all cancers, it does have a track record that shows it is significantly more effective than conventional therapies. If the Food and Drug Administration would lift its “unapproved drug” restrictions, vitamin C will become a foundational part of many powerful, and exceptionally successful protocols used to fight this disease.” — Primal Panacea, by Thomas E. Levy MD JD

“Liposome-encapsulated vitamin C delivers intravenous impact in an oral form. A peer-reviewed study demonstrated that liposome-encapsulated vitamin C was able to deliver roughly twice the maximum amount of vitamin C to the blood previously believed to be possible — even with spaced doses — of other more “traditional” forms of oral vitamin C. My clinical experience with liposome-encapsulated vitamin C suggests that the clinical impact of liposome-encapsulated vitamin C may even exceed the clinical impact of intravenous vitamin C for some acute infections.

Here’s the list of conditions that Vitamin C, cures or treats (from the book “Primal Panacea”, chapter Resource H). Most of these have references to the relevant studies that are indexed in the US government’s PubMed website. This list is so long, that the authorities will say, “long lists of “cures” should not be believed.” Huh, belief?! Why not review, and test. “Oh no, it is so unbelievable that time and money should not be wasted on any testing.” Wow, that is not the scientific method. A cheap cure for cancer and probably many other diseases, and poisons, but it is not worth even looking at!

Continue reading Life: Vitamin C Therapy

Book: Temple of Love

Temple of Love — A Journey into the Age of Sensual Fulfillment — by Sabine Lichtenfels (Paperback book, 2011)

(Note: text in [] are my comments in the quoted sections, which are in italics. I’ll add more of my thoughts on the book in the comments section, after this post.)

This description was copied from

An adventurous journey from the stone circle of Almendes in Portugal to the temples of Malta becomes a journey through a new hologram of history. Every event, every temple visit and every difficulty is guided and thereby unexpected and unpredictable. Sabine Lichtenfels with her mediumistic talent shows simply and modestly what it means to travel in full trust in divine guidance. The temples of Malta act as antennae to the past for her and transmit descriptions and pictures of the culture that had once erected these buildings. This information gives a breathtaking view into a highly developed fulfilling and sensual life. And that at a time where we once thought that primitive people were running around with axes. At the center of this high archaic culture was care for all that lives. The strong current of Eros and the mutual joy between the genders was sacred to them. They knew neither private property nor separation. The body of the woman was like the body of the earth, nourishing and giving. Their religion was the celebration of life itself, from the first sunbeams in the morning until the sparking stars in the night. For thousands of years, their non-violent culture flourished, based on the friendship between the genders. For the author, this view into the past is simultaneously a start of a humane future. The temple of love is to be recreated in the light of modern knowledge, in practical life between men and women in model communities for a future without war.

These are quotes of a few of the parts in the book that I found interesting. Mainly I was looking for root causes for the 5,000 years of violence, and for possible solutions. Some say there was over 10,000 years of peace, before violence and domination infected the human species, what happened? There was much more in the book. Read it and see.

Section: The Story of Manu and Meret, p19 – p28

This is a story about how personal love can destabilized a community, and lead men to domination and violence. Both Manu and Meret caused the problem. Manu took, and Meret freely gave her “shining blue ball” (a symbol of self-awareness and identity). He was not ready for it, and the community was not ready for the power he gained. [Tag: cause]

Continue reading Book: Temple of Love

Book: The Sacred Matrix

The Sacred Matrix — From the Matrix of Violence to the Matrix of Life. The Foundation for a New Civilization — by Dieter Duhm (Paperback book, April 1, 2008)

This description was copied from

Is there a possibility left to put a stop to the global violence and to start a globalization of peace? The answer offered in this book is: Yes, the dream of peace may become true. And that’s serious: Acting on the assumption of the most recent scientific realizations the author develops the concept of a global peace force that initially comes from a few points on earth, Healing Biotopes, and that is able to change the existing system in a future orientated way. “In the field building of evolution it is not the right of the fittest that counts, but the success of the most comprehensive,” is one of his assumptions. The transition from the matrix of violence to the Sacred Matrix of peace does not act on the logic of a power struggle, but on a change of program that is possible to conduct in every moment.

Healing Biotopes are self-sufficient future communities, “greenhouses of trust,” “acupuncture points of peace.” They are centers in which post-capitalist technology is connected with ecology and social know-how. The author has been working with his team on the construction of the first prototype for more than 35 years.

Quotes from the book that I liked on first reading.

Chapter: Can Evil Disappear from Earth?

The male fight against the flesh, against woman, and against sexuality went so far that the representatives of the church during the Middle Ages seriously considered exterminating the female sex. This is evidenced by the Inquisition and by the text “The Witch Hammer” (see Chapter 3),

Chapter: The Archimedean Fulcrum: The search for a key point of change

The Christian church movement led to the cruel development that culminated in a planned partial extermination of the female gender during the Inquisition. During the 15th century two Dominican monks dared to speak these thoughts and published them in 1489 in the famous document entitled “The Witch Hammer.”

Chapter: What is Sexuality?

If a human society were to access the full healing power of sexuality, then it would hardly need any hospitals or prisons. If we were to love sexuality, then we would love all bodily things and would no longer destroy them. Sexuality is the power of the soul in our world that keeps all bodily things together. Sexuality is pure lust, it is pure. The filth was invented and added by humans. Sexuality is the deepest pleasure of the flesh, the passion of the flesh. But it is also the deepest bliss of the soul, the spiritual joy at what one can mutually give each other, and the joy at having “arrived.” Pure sexuality is the biological form of love. It is love. But it is not necessarily personal love. Sexual love is sometimes quite animalistic, sometimes it is a cosmic, almost sacred love, and sometimes it is these things together. Right sexuality is the right joining of the two halves of human beings: man and woman. Free and pure sexuality is the mutual bodily recognition of the sexes. It is deep communication, deep union, and deep recognition at the physical level. Sexual knowledge is body knowledge. But the body is always of the soul and therefore sexual knowledge is always deep knowledge of the soul. Not knowledge of traditional psychology, but knowledge of life.

Continue reading Book: The Sacred Matrix